Ce putem face în calitate de consumatori pentru a pleda pentru o etichetare ecologică mai bună?”
Ce parere ai? Vine cu o idee practica privind modul în care cetățenii pot promova produsele durabile
Anche con etichette migliori, alcuni consumatori potrebbero non modificare i propri comportamenti d’acquisto.
Getting involved in campaigns or organizations that are already pushing for stronger standards. Whether it’s signing petitions, participating in campaigns, or simply staying informed, we can be part of a larger movement that works to make eco-labelling more meaningful and consistent. For example, groups like Greenpeace or the Environmental Working Group often run initiatives that can directly impact how eco-labels are regulated. It’s about raising our collective voices to influence change.
Con etichette affidabili, i consumatori scelgono prodotti meno dannosi per il pianeta.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation