Social Innovation 2014

Social Innovation 2014

Your ideas and participation will help provide a series of recommendations to the European Commission on the best strategies, policies and funding instruments.


Open standards

Open Data in Policy and Funding

Open Standards for social, identity and payment data

Rewarding repurposing and re-use of existing solutions

Limit Copyright on Public Domain Works

Standardising Open Data

Implement social value model into all policy measurements

THE RINGS - good(!) not gaga...

Computer literacy

Align EU funding

Crowdfunding models including citizens for EU funding

Users as designers

New funding reward structure for DSI

New entrepreneurial funding model

Funding Citizens

Timefunding, crowdsourcing with time

Ethical Guidelines on Data usage

EU public Digital ID

Big Data regulation

Digital Human Rights

Crowdsourced Public Funding

Democratic news social network

(Open) Data of the Crowds

Crowdsourcing and comparison of DSI projects

Connecting investment with real need

National Open Innovation Systems

DSI collaboration on Business Models

EU Innovations Lab


PPPP on Decentralised and privacy-aware Digital Ecosystem

Net Neutrality and banning software patents

Gender Equality in DSI

Back to community

This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information