

Youth are the future and we need to ensure that Malta nurtures them and serves them to realise their full potential. Investing in our youth means investing in our collective future.


Increase utilization of solar energy in sports projects

Help emerging artists

New Policy on Alcohol and Gambling

Increase scholarships at Masters and Doctoral level

Revise DJ regulations

Strengthen National Youth Council

Guarantee online freedom of expression

Financial assistance during tuition and not after course

Carry out a study on youth skills gap

Drug Prevention at Schools

Rugby Facilities

Juvenile Justice

Introduce 1 year voluntary work scheme

Provide financial help for first degree studies

Improve drug rehabilitation programme

Extend music instrument scheme

Provide entrepreneurial leadership training

Continue with process for introduction of race track

Increase youth mobility in culture and creativity sectors

Extend University Library opening hours

Assist Authors' Programmes

New Sport Laws

Transform single-sport clubs into multi-disciplinary clubs

Fight obesity and diabetes

1 year tax exemption for youth businesses

Consolidate Youth Local Council

Tax credit for continuing education

Assist VOs involved in youth health

Reduce taxes and licenses on electrical vehicles

Harsher penalties for drug trafficking

Introduce Skills Cards

Improve Marsa horse race track

National Policy on emerging vices

Introduce facility to apply for health appointments online

Widen appreciation of Maltese Language

Modern sport facilities in Marsascala

Grant to visit an EU destination

Place Malta on the international sport circuit

Introduce Open Data Policies

Sport as an economic pillar

Assist youth launching a start-up

eDemocracy for Youth

Drone Racing

Establish Sport Villages

Maltese spellchecker

Assist organisations with innovative sport projects

Increase investment in education

Provide incentives for hackathons and start-up pitches

Tax incentives for health and fitness schemes

National Campaign of Sex Health

Introduce Digital Rights in Malta

Embark on Cycling Friendly educational initiatives

New office for the National Council for the Maltese Language

Enhance cycling infrustructure

Underwater eco-museum

Promote the good use of Maltese in the public sector

Discussion on Marijuana

Invest in Sport Infrustructure

Reduce Vat on eBooks to 5%

Establish Malta as an International centre for NGOs

Bike to Work scheme

Mobile clinics

Develop online virtual health promotion

Centre for the Study of Addictive Behavious

Set up in patient wards for adolescents

Assist Caritas and Oasi

Prevention of Criminality among youth

More resources to the police to fight the war on drugs

Improve drug related court hearings

Help people who are following First Aid courses

Address substance abuse at Kordin

Assist hill-climbing enthusiasts

Carry out infrastructural works assisting certain sports

Revise Firearms Directive regarding target shooting

Free transport with student card

Assist elite sports

Metro system

Modern futsal facilities

Encourage artists to open their own business

Obtain rights of certain works for public educational use

Increase assistance to athletes and sport associations

Assist innovative ideas promoting Malta's cultural identity

Incentives for established businesses to help start-ups

Transform Ta' Qali in a Leisure and Sports Village

Work with National Council for Maltese Language

Promote music tourism

Promote sport with people with disabilities

Vote at 16 years

Assist participation in European associations and networks

Scholarships at Maltese private educational institutions

Revise eligibility for cultural leave to public officers

Regulate apprenticeships and job placements

More study leave opportunities

Achieve Net Neutrality

Invest in connectivity

Tax credits for employers assisting continued education

Establish new horizons for our economy

Help public employees to work in voluntary sector

Assist National Youth Agency

Improve the incentive for youth first time home buyers

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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